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16,000 pigs drowned after monster rainstorms in China

Thousands of pig carcasses have been washed up on farmland in southern China after days of continuous and torrential rain sparked devastating flash floods.  Health and safety authorities in south China's Guangxi region are removing and sterilizing an estimated 16,000 pig carcasses after filthy, algae-filled floodwater swamped the large farm, drowning most of its animal inhabitants, according to People's Daily Online.  The pig farm is situated in a valley in the autonomous county of Dahua Yao walled by steep mountains on either side which caused the water levels to rise rapidly following the relentless downpour. June 17;

A chart for the last Full Moon of June 3 at Hechi city, Dahua Yao county is shown here. Notice that the lunation  is part of a T-square  aligned with the meridian and with apex Neptune in Pisces.

 Neptune [9pi] is  conjunct   Fomalhaut and  stars of  the Water Pourer  . Alpha (α) Piscis Austrinus, Fomalhaut, is a reddish star in the mouth of the Southern Fish. The Southern Fish is a separate constellation to Pisces, lying much further to the South, though in ancient legend it is often referred to as the parent of the zodiacal pair.  The area in which it lies has an heavy emphasis upon constellations with watery imagery, the goat-fish (Capricorn), the whale (Cetus), the water-pourer (Aquarius), the fishes (Pisces), and the dolphin (Delphinus) all located nearby, obviously earmarking this region as one that related to the rainy season of the ancient year, by which many of its stars are associated with floods or troubles at sea. The Southern Fish is usually depicted on star maps at the feet of Aquarius, where it swallows up the water poured from his urn [1].

Mercury on the IC is conjunct  stars of the constellation Hyades.  The word “hyades” means “rainers” and the constellation is linked to torrential rain and stormy weather.

So it appears that the Full Moon had set the stage for a torrential downpour  in Dahua Yao county. On June 13, the progressed Ascendant touched Neptune which triggered the heavy rains that led to disaster reported in the news on June 17.

Finally, we look at Uranus [19ar] which forms a sesquisquare  aspect to the MC of the Full Moon chart.  This was part of the Chinese asterism Wai-Píng, The Outer Enclosure of a Pig Farm.  This was a bamboo hedge fence around pig farms and marshes.  This asterism was related to another Chinese asterism  Tíen-Houan, The  Celestial Marshes. According to Schlegel, the Chinese character Houan was composed of a pig in an enclosure where there is water. This asterism represented marshes into which pigs were released at the beginning of autumn to start rooting and digging preparing  for the sowing of next year’s seeds.  These marshes were fenced off with a bamboo hedge so that the pigs could not stray nor the farmer fall into it. It was also seen as a pig-rearing farm or “The Place of Celestial Filth” [2].

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.689)
