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‘Huge paradigm shift’: Biggest cancer breakthrough in 40 years

Cetus and Andromeda

Terminally ill cancer patients have seen miracle reversals, with some tumors completely disappearing, thanks to new drugs, which follow trials with “spectacular” results. Doctors now promise to save tens of thousands of lives. The test results, announced on Sunday (May 31) at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual conference in Chicago, have had scientists completely awe-struck, proving the technique of immunotherapy is adept at curing a whole range of cancers, including ovarian, lung, womb and bowel types. The evidence, according to experts at Yale, is so overwhelming that it’s the strongest seen in favor of a new treatment. Doctors are promising results within this decade, following the British-led trial. “I think it’s huge,” Roy Herbst, chief of medical oncology at Yale Cancer Centre, told reporters. He calls the results “spectacular” and thinks we are looking at a “paradigm shift in the way oncology is being treated.” The powerful new combination of drugs has cured more than half of the patients in the trial, with tumors either completely eradicated or shrinking. The test was done on 945 patients with advanced melanoma, and carried out with the drugs Ipilimumab and Nivolumab.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology is holding its annual meeting at Chicago, Illinois from May 29 – June 2 where the revolutionary new method of cancer treatment was unveiled on Sunday, May 31. Regular readers would be familiar with examples presented at this blogsite of how eclipses bring about new discoveries and end old chapters of ignorance. Shown here is the chart for the last lunar eclipse of April 4 at Chicago . Notice that the Moon is placed in the 6th house connected with illness and public health issues and conjunct the asteroid Askalaphus also connected to healing and medicine. On the MC [14ta] is the star Menkar, alpha Cetus, in the Sea Monster’s jaw.

The Sun[14ar] is conjunct the star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda [15ar] in the head of the Chained Woman. In the story of the royal family[1], Princess Andromeda was chained to the rocks by the sea to be devoured by Cetus, the Sea Monster. Since the sea is where all life started, the Sea Monster represents the inherited problems that ail mankind including diseases of the mind as well as those of the body. The hero Perseus and his Flying Horse symbolically represent  all that can free us from those diseases.

Perseus and Andromeda

 It is interesting that the star in Andromeda’s Head is also the Navel of Pegasus. The Flying Horse is a symbol of a powerful mind and unbridled imagination and the fact that it is “born” from the head of a Chained Woman suggests that no matter what constraint life imposes,  our minds can always discover new ways to free ourselves from the past . Combining this with the Uranus-Pluto square which is associated with scientific breakthroughs we can see why a cancer therapy has been discovered.

If we now progress the eclipse chart to May 31, notice that the T-square that was aligned with the meridian now straddles the horizon axis triggering the event.
