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Pope Francis to "venerate" the Shroud of Turin

On Sunday, Pope Francis will "venerate" the famous Shroud of Turin, which is thought by some to be the burial wrapping of Jesus Christ - and by others to be a medieval fake. Whatever it is, it's a mystery how the cloth came to bear the image of a man. Science writer Philip Ball discusses the theories. In a carefully worded announcement, the Archbishop of Turin says that the Pope "confirms the devotion to the shroud that millions of pilgrims recognise as a sign of the mystery of the passion and death of the Lord". June 19

Shown here is the chart for the current New Moon at Turin, Italy. The New Moon is placed in the 9th house in hard aspect to the TNP Poseidon in the Ascendant.

The ninth House rules  “Religion and clergy of any kind. Affairs of the church”[1]. For the TNP Poseidon we have the following keywords from Martha Wescott. In her more recent writings, she has linked Poseidon to X-Rays, lasers and similar light radiation.

POSEIDON: Spiritual enlightenment; receptivity to The Force; refraction of light. [2]

And now we come to the most mysterious part of the chart. The TNP Poseidon is conjunct the star Acrux, alpha Crux [12sc] – a star in the Cross which by association is linked to Christ. In several previous posts we have seen it connected with the image of Christ [3][4][5].
