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Scientists gain first glimpse of new concepts developing in the brain

PITTSBURGH -- Thanks to Carnegie Mellon University advances in brain imaging technology, we now know how specific concrete objects are coded in the brain, to the point where we can identify which object, such as a house or a banana, someone is thinking about from its brain activation signature. Now, CMU scientists are applying this knowledge about the neural representations of familiar concepts by teaching people new concepts and watching the new neural representations develop. Published in Human Brain Mapping, the scientists have -- for the first time -- documented the formation of a newly learned concept inside the brain and show that it occurs in the same brain areas for everyone. June 9

The  powerful total lunar eclipse of April 4 continues to create significant events in its wake. A chart for the eclipse at Pittsburgh where Carnegie Mellon University is located is shown here. Notice that the eclipse along with the Uranus-Pluto square loosely straddles the meridian. We know that Uranus-Pluto in its most positive expression is about scientific breakthroughs. Here the eclipse Sun is conjunct the asteroids Psyche and Urania. Some key phrases for these asteroids are provided by Martha Wescott [1] as under:

PSYCHE: memories; insight; brain states.

URANIA: handling theoretical, hypothetical or abstract principles and information; logic and rationality; an intellectual framework; apperception—intellectual “context.”

So an area for the scientific breakthrough can be insight into how the brain works and creates an intellectual framework with new information (Mercury-Uranus). But how do we know that the June 9 news actually comes under this eclipse. Well, all we need to do is progress the eclipse to this date. When we do that we find the eclipse axis coincides with the progressed meridian thereby triggering the event.
