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UK pensioner attacked by a crazed crow

Elizabeth Reddick had dropped her 16-year-old Yorkshire terrier Bruno off at a dog groomer and was on way her way home when suddenly she heard a squawk. As the 78-year-old reached the top of a set of steps on Cavendish Road she turned around and saw the bird coming for her. “It just kept coming for me,” she said. “It was terrifying. I could feel it pecking my head and the next thing I knew I was covered in blood. “I just don’t know why it would attack me.” Elizabeth swung her dog lead in a futile attempt to scare away the animal. June 4

A minor incident like this, we would imagine, is hardly likely to be reflected in the stars. And we would be wrong! Let us start with the last lunar eclipse of April 4 at Stevenage. Notice how prominently the luminaries are placed on the meridian axis forming a T-square with Uranus-Pluto. The Moon [14li] is conjunct Algorab [14li]. Delta (δ) Corvus, Algorab, is a double star, 3.1 and 8.5 magnitude, pale yellow and purple, on the right wing of the Raven [1]. If we now progress the chart to June 4, the date of the news, we find that the MC [15ge] now aspects the three legs of the T-square thereby triggering the event.

For a moment, let us pause and ask ourselves as Elizabeth did, why would the crow attack her? We must remember that Uranus-Pluto is in a sense about the sudden release (Uranus) of primal energy (Pluto) that has been locked up or repressed as for example in a volcanic eruption.

A psychological rule [2] says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves. The pensioner Elizabeth has most likely been carrying an inner conflict which was not resolved so that when the eclipses energies for Stevenage were released she was chosen as a target of attack by the crow.
