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U.S. Backs Down on St. Petersburg Economic Forum

King Cepheus

U.S. authorities seem to have softened their stance on the participation of American business people at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) later this month, according to the Financial Times. The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum begins on June 18. The event is a leading international economic and business forum held annually in Russia. Over the past five years the Forum has transformed into a leading global business event, attracting over 7,000 Russian and international participants, representing government and business leaders from around the world, joined by leading voices from academia, the media, and civil society. More than 4,700 participants from 73 countries attended the Forum in 2014.

To understand this development let us start with the chart of last lunar eclipse of April drawn for Washington, DC.  The Sun is conjunct Uranus, in Aries, and that conjunction opposes the Moon, in Libra. Uranus is a freedom-loving  planet , and when it shares the same space with the Sun, personal freedom is important. However, the Moon is in Libra, so that  the need to  be connected to others also tends to dominate. What this opposition indicates is the problem of how to handle the need to be connected to others, as you simultaneously try to be true to yourself.  Since the Moon in Libra connects with the North Node (future) while the Sun[14ar] in Aries conjoins the South Node (past), the way forward is through seeking connections with others.  The Sun and the South Node [9ar] are conjunct  stars of the tyrant  King Cepheus. About this area Diana Rosenberg writes:

There is a tendency to be close minded, they may refuse to listen to suggestions or criticism and are  prone to use strong arm tactics or to bully others “for their own good” and then often perceive themselves as victims! With their considerable leadership ability they are often in positions of influence and authority, but they brook no opposition; thus there is a possibility of loss of power and position because of obstinacy and rigidity; some may be cut-off, shut out or exiled [1]. Life, therefore,  brings issues of power, of whether to fight to the end or agree to compromise (both with others and within themselves) [2].

The Ascendant of the eclipse chart  conjoins  Achrid, Castula and Tish of Cassiopeia. About these stars Nick  Fiorenza [3] writes:

Tish is the whip of the Queen. In the myth of the Royal family, the intolerant queen, has become crusted with anger and frustration due to finding herself in-between the tormenting forces of both the manipulative gods and her own emotional insecurities and arrogance, and is at a loss with how to deal with either. It is this spiteful arrogance that sentences the princess Andromeda to be devoured by Cetus. When the whip of spiteful arrogance is used, it often snaps back only to scar one’s own hand, especially when applied with vengeance. Lowering ourselves to this level or resourcefulness, using a tool found only in the dramatics of the monstrous world, will only lead to our own demise. Here we have a statement of something we must surrender to receive that which we are due--righteous arrogance, the attitude that keeps us from our very own fulfillment.

Achird of Cassiopeia asks us to realize that we create and perpetuate the very things that we perceive as trying to detour or devour us. Achird brings attention to the fact that the monsters and the entrapments in which we find ourselves become manifest by our own righteous and arrogant attitudes of self-importance.

Castula of Cassiopeia impels us to express a purer form of self, which in turn allows us to move up and out of an entrapping situation from which there seems no solution or escape.

So the next question is “Are the issues relevant for the period June 18-20 when the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is scheduled to be held. If we progress the eclipse chart to these dates, we will find that the eclipse now straddles the meridian thereby bringing to focus the issues mentioned.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.79-80)
[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.74-75)
