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Vienna’s recipe for living well

In centuries past, Vienna shined bright as the world’s most creative city. It gave us Mozart and Freud, and scores of other geniuses. The Vienna of today doesn’t enjoy such global prominence, nor does it possess the hip cache of Berlin or the polyglot culture of London. But it has something else going for it: laziness, or “productive idleness”, as I call it. I mean this as a compliment, for it’s a certain kind of laziness – and it is worth admiring.  June 3;

In this post we will see that a review about life in Vienna in the travel section of the BBC website on June 3 is not a coincidence and actually shows up in the stars.  A chart for the last lunar eclipse at Vienna has the luminaries in a prominent T-square with Pluto [15cp30] in the 6th house. The 6th house is about routine work, the kind we all engage in to keep the body and soul together. The following edited extract from Steven Forrest explains one of the “navigational errors”  in dealing with the Pluto in the 6th house:

Some of life’s knottiest dilemmas lie in finding the delicate balance between responsibility toward others  and responsibility toward oneself. When we commit the error of “too much responsibility” we find people whose duties turn into a kind of voracious black hole, never satisfied. Fourteen hours in the office and still a sense of imminent failure. Such people give so much without replenishing their own batteries that they sooner or later reach that depressed, flat state commonly called “burn out”.

With Pluto in the 6th one of the healing methods is to find mentors. These will be people who have found work or patterns of responsibility which they find compellingly satisfying, to which they commit themselves with great fire – and from which they can walk away come Friday afternoon.

Quite often a chart will contain more than one clue that let’s us  know whether our interpretation is correct. Here the Sabian for Pluto [16cp] summarizes the issue in one beautiful symbol.

Phase 286 (Capricorn 16): School Grounds Filled With Boys and Girls in Gymnasium Suits
Under the pressure of money-making and duties we often forget the need for play and recreation for the harmonious development of the human personality. This symbol is reminder to correct this imbalance.

Finally, if we now progress the eclipse chart to June 3, 2015 we find that the Pluto T-square straddles the horizon and the IC,  triggering the issues highlighted above.
