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Angela Merkel - The Empress Without Clothes

It is not a coincidence that at the intersection of the two great crises affecting Europe - Ukraine and Greece - is one and the same person: German Chancellor Angela Merkel. At Russia Insider we have often commented on how - contrary to her image - Angela Merkel is a weak and indecisive leader, unable to manage a crisis, whose conduct is best characterised as drift. If Europe is now faced with crises in Ukraine and Greece it is because of Merkel’s weak and indecisive leadership.

Angela Merkel was born 17 July 1954; 6:00 pm; Hamburg. Her birth chart is available at Astro-databank [1]. Neptune (weakness) conjoins her MC (public image) so that it is not at all difficult to understand her description given in the article above.

Currently progressed solar arc Sun [23vi] is conjunct her Neptune-Pluto [23vi] midpoint. Key phrases for this combination are provided by Martha Wescott:

Neptune-Pluto: people gain power (Pluto) by capitalizing on the vulnerability or weakness (Neptune) of others; people yield control out of weakness or failure to accept the truth and use discrimination in matters of trust; to see human will relinquished to a Higher Power (but is this “god”or some ogre in black boots? Is it true surrender or “giving up” so that the driving  can be left to someone else?)

Notice  how these phrases apply elegantly to both Merkel’s role in (a) Greece, where she is coming down hard on the helpless populace already suffering from years of austerity (b) Ukraine where she is allowing Uncle  Sam to do the driving.  In Greece she is playing the role of Shylock, the heartless moneylender (Pluto) while the Greeks are the victims (Neptune). In Ukraine, she is the weak person (Neptune) who has relinquished her role as an honest  mediator in the crisis and surrendered to a higher power (Pluto) ..the ogre in blacks boots is of course the US and NATO.

It should be clear from this example that not only is the Neptune-Pluto principle common to both the cases but that an individual can switch roles in different circumstances.

The progressed Sun [23vi] is moving through an area defined by the stars Cor Caroli and Benetnash.  Nick Fiorenza’s account  [2] of the dynamics of the stars in this area applies perfectly to Merkel’s role in Greece and Ukraine.

Benetnasch ultimately teaches that leadership is about facilitating the self-empowerment and freedom of others rather than about exerting manipulative force that controls and destroys others, mistaken as leadership and being in a position of power. In its old form and when expressing with influence of the stars of late Leo (the tail of the Lion, the racket of Canes Venatici and the hot air of Antilia), Benetnasch articulates those who tend to act as manipulating and controlling godheads, which perpetuates a dogmatic societal structure that keeps individuals from becoming self-responsible and from evolving into their own self-mastery. It is of leadership that dictates what is right for people and what they should do by using dramatic and diversionary propaganda, rather than supporting others to make their own choices in freedom. Conjoining  Benetnasch and Cor Caroli is Zavijava, which lies nearly on the ecliptic. Although a star of Virgo, Zavijava lies outside the realm of Virgo proper, before the head of the Virgin. It does not offer the clarity and purity of awareness common to the rest of the Virgo stars. Zavijava is of a passive and submissive character, articulating the blind and naïve followers of the Benetnasch directive / big business and government. These are most often innocent naive unquestioning people who get swayed by the diversionary dramatics of their manipulative leaders and believe in the miss-information they are being fed. Benetnasch and Zavijava ask us to examine and discern whether we are blindly following self-proclaimed totalitarian authoritarian political-religious rulers and gurus and their propaganda or if we are seeking a deeper fulfillment (southern Crateris) based in and guided by true spiritual principles—trusting our own inner guidance.
