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History in the stars: Revelation of the Quran

What may be the world's oldest fragments of the Koran have been found by the University of Birmingham. Radiocarbon dating found the manuscript to be at least 1,370 years old, making it among the earliest in existence. The pages of the Muslim holy text had remained unrecognised in the university library for almost a century. July 22

The Quran literally meaning "the recitation"is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God. Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death. Islamic tradition relates that Muhammad received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira, about 3 kms from Mecca, during one of his isolated retreats to the mountains [1].

Posts on this blogsite have shown how important events like this one here can be related to eclipses that have occurred prior to the event.  We will see here that  the chart for the lunar eclipse of 25 April 609 CE drawn for Mecca contains the event so central to Islam – the revelation of the Holy Book.  Notice that the eclipse Moon is placed in the 9th house. Deborah Houlding [1] includes the following among rulership of the 9th house.

Where we reach out into the unknown in search of widening our knowledge and understanding. Dreams, visions, inspired thoughts, divination, astrology, mysticism, philosophy, beliefs; the desire to unite with something greater than oneself. Religion and clergy of any kind.  This house represents guidance and advice from those more knowledgeable than ourselves.

The eclipse forms hard aspects to Neptune and the TNP Poseidon.  Martha Wescott provides the following keyphrases for Neptune-Poseidon:

Neptune-Poseidon: to connect with the spiritual concept of ego-transparency and transcendence;  to be susceptible and open to spiritual influences – there is a heightened receptivity to the unconscious.

If we now progress the eclipse chart to 22 December 609 CE, when the Quran was revealed to the Prophet, we find that progressed Ascendant has reached a conjunction to Poseidon triggering the entire eclipse configuration!
