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Humans rescue a beached great white shark

This summer has been full of stories about sharks cast as scary, ominous creatures that attack with little warning. Shark bites man. Shark bites another man. Shark bites whale. Here’s a different sort of tale, one about a shark in need, and humans coming to its aid. Because sharks deserve love, too. On Monday, a great white shark washed ashore on a beach in Chatham, Mass. In video footage, beach goers can be seen crowding around the shark. July 14

This news comes to us on the eve of the July 16 New Moon. A chart for the Moon at Chatham is shown here. The New Moon makes hard aspects to Neptune and the MC making it specially significant for the place.  Neptune  is in tropical Pisces and conjunct stars in the Waters of Aquarius. This area is about sensitivity and compassion to the plight of all living creatures.

The Ascendant [18aq] is conjunct  Sualocin, alpha Delphini [18aq]  the Dolphin and iota Piscis Austrini [17aq], the Southern Fish.  Symbols work in strange ways. Here the two sea creatures not only stand for the shark but in addition we must remember that the Dolphin is an allegory of safety and salvation;  from ancient times stories have come down of dolphins rescuing the shipwrecked.  Here of course, the Dolphin becomes a symbol for the friendly humans who rescued the beached shark.

Finally, on the descendant [18le] is the star Dubhe [16le], alpha Ursae Majoris – the Great Mother Bear. Among other things, Diana Rosenberg links this star with “issues relating to the destruction or protection of children, animals and the environment”.
