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Interrogated for playing the wrong tune

What makes astrology supremely relevant is that it discloses an unsuspected dimension of the world we think we know so well. It is as though we have become accustomed to see only the horizontal yarn of the weaving, the weft, and are largely unaware of the warp. We are accustomed to break down our world, in order to understand it, into certain categories, recognizing what belongs to this category, what belongs to that. That is ‘scientific’. However, astrology is about learning to think in new categories. It embodies a system of new categories that are as different from the ones to which we are habituated, as the warp is from the weft. In this system objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other are shown to be intimately connected. Conversely, things we naturally tend to associate may be distributed otherwise in the astrological scheme. Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make the right connections, recognize what belongs with what. It is not easy. Unaided, it is as if we are looking at the weaving from the wrong side, and it seems a mess, but with the help of astrology we can see the design as it is meant to be. As the shuttle of the cosmic loom ceaselessly weaves its intricate design, astrologers have the responsibility, or rather the awesome privilege, to work towards restoring to humanity the sense of high meaning it has all but lost.” Dennis Elwell, The Cosmic Loom

Fifteen years ago, Kim Cheol-woong was a successful pianist living in North Korea - but his life suddenly changed when someone heard him playing a Western love song. Cheol-woong sat down at his piano in 2001 to practise the piece of music he planned to play when he proposed to his girlfriend. Childhood sweethearts, they had known each other since he was eight years old - they had started learning the piano together. It was the ballad, A Comme Amour (L for Love) by Richard Clayderman - schmaltzy and not to everyone's taste, but only in North Korea could playing it in one's own home be dangerous. Someone passing by overheard the French music and filed a report to the state security department. June 8;

This news comes to us in the backdrop of a Sun-Pluto opposition in the heavens. A chart drawn for the exact opposition at Pyongyang has them aligned with the meridian signifying that a possible event connected to the principle of the opposition would be highlighted here.  The following extract from Robert Hand’s Planets in Transit  about the meaning of a Sun-Pluto opposition was used in a previous post in the context of the Greek referendum but is also applicable here. While the two events are different, the principle underlying them is the same …that of the need to react to unjust domination and control.

If you are attempting to dominate others, you should stop, no matter what your motives are. You may think you have the best reasons in the world for dominating people, and perhaps you believe that you are only doing it for their own good, but that is probably not really true. It is more likely that you simply cannot leave well enough alone. An excessive desire to meddle and interfere is one of the negative effects of this influence.

If you are the victim of someone else's meddling and interfering, the problem is more difficult. In some way, probably unconsciously, you have given out a signal that you will allow yourself to be treated this way. And having set off this reaction, it is hard for you to stop it. On the other hand, you may gain something by fighting back. It is often useful to experience a test of wills with someone, and it is much less dangerous to you when you are asserting your independence of someone else rather than the other way around. You may need to prove to yourself that you are stronger than your opponent.

The Sun is conjunct the asteroid Eros and opposite Pluto. The asteroid  Eros deals with “smitten” love. It is joie de vivre, the passion for life, the thirst for survival and “living to the fullest”. Meanwhile Pluto [14cp15] is conjunct  the star Vega [1], alpha Lyrae, “Harp Star”.  In his article, Lore of the Lyre Nick Fiorenza  explains Lyra’s connection to music [2].

Lyra, and prominent alignments with Lyra, indicate involvement with the music of the spheres, that is, the use of natural astronomically and resonant harmonics for healing, illumination, and for greater evolutionary purpose. Prominent alignments and aspects to Lyra are often found in musicians, artists and those involved with art-sciences and multi-media projects--those with intent to use harmonics of light, sound, and geometry for the expansion of consciousness.
