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Iran Nuclear Talks On Verge Of Breakthrough

Phoenix bird – a symbol of renewal

VIENNA (AP) — Negotiators at the Iran nuclear talks plan to announce Monday that they’ve reached a historic deal capping nearly a decade of diplomacy that would curb the country’s atomic program in return for sanctions relief, two diplomats told The Associated Press on Sunday. July 13

Two separate pieces of news are making headlines. One from Vienna on the Iran nuclear talks is heartening while that from Brussels on the Euro crisis is not so good. Which is not to say it cannot turn around in the next few days, only that given the progressions in the Euro chart,  it appears more difficult.  Occuring at the same time both are linked to the ongoing Sun-Uranus square (trigger to Uranus-Pluto). A chart for the square at Vienna is shown here. Notice that  the Sun-Uranus square  as part of the Sun-Uranus-Pluto T  straddles the horizon.  Here transit Sun[20cn] is conjunct Castor, alpha Gemini part of  the Indian lunar  mansion Punarvasu [“The two who are reunited or good again”]. This mansion is also called the “the star of renewal” and “the return of the light”.

Ray Grasse in his excellent article “The Uranus/Pluto Square: Breakdown or Breakthrough” [1] explains why the square is not all about doom and gloom characterized by economic collapse, social upheaval, and environmental disasters. It can also be an extraordinarily exciting time accompanied by a sense of new beginnings and shattered boundaries. So while as of now the Greek scenario appears to be in the “breakdown” down category,  Iran appears to be in the  “breakthrough” category.

The following extract [2] from a previous post explains why the US-Iran relationship chart offers so much hope for a nuclear deal.

The directed solar arc Sun [13pi] is forming a conjunction to Moon [13pi] and Saturn [14pi]. All these are conjunct the stars Achernar [14pi] and Phoenix [14pi]. Diana Rosenberg writing about these stars says:
Endings and new beginnings…pushing boundaries, solving problems and altering mankind’s view of the world, freeing humankind from outdated illusions and outmoded conventions of thought…the ever-regenerating Phoenix offers renewal and healing….history and paradigm altering events; peace treaties.
The radix Sun [25li18] is in a sharp quincunx aspect to Pluto [25ta04] which is conjunct the star Algol [24ta28].  The star Algol [26ta22] that has been historically prominent in atomic explosions.
