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Sikh postman 'wins turban battle with Disney'

A Sikh postman at Disney World has won his fight over claims he had been made to work away from customers so they would not see his beard and turban. Lawyers for Gurdit Singh said he had been segregated from staff and customers at the Florida theme park because he violated a "look policy". Disney now says Mr Singh can deliver post on all routes, in full view of customers. July 10;

This news comes at the Last Quarter Moon of July 8. A chart for the Moon phase at Disney World has Venus-Saturn square  brought to prominence on the angles.  Venus on the MC is conjunct the star Adhafera, zeta Leonis, in the Lion’s mane (interestingly, the name “Singh” means a lion!). Venus is about good looks and appearance [1] in general while Saturn is about laws and authority figures so news about an authority questioning  an employee’s appearance would come under a Venus-Saturn aspect.

On the Ascendant [21sc] are the stars sigma Corona Borealis [21sc36]; Unukalhai, alpha Serpentis [22sc13] and sigma Herculis [23sc27] among others. Corona Borealis is the Northern Crown, which would generally refer to a head gear like Gurdit Singh’s turban.  About these stars Diana Rosenberg writes:

Capable of a stubborn gallantry and courage against great odds, they do not necessarily follow the crowd; willful, rash, headstrong, self-indulgent, they do things their own way, and the defiant, daredevil nature of Hercules may lead to unwise, careless, even reckless speculation  and  (sometimes) its comeuppance, with a possible loss of position and/or reputation…. but also the possibility of success against great odds [2].

Finally, the Moon’s house adds a detail that would otherwise have left the analysis incomplete. The Moon is in the 5th house that is linked to “amusement or recreation parks”[3].

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.230-32)
