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Train plunges into canal in Pakistan, killing 17

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's military said on Friday that the death toll from an accident to a special train that plunged into a canal because of a bridge collapse has risen to 17. Divers were searching for more bodies.

The train derailed on Thursday while crossing the Chanawan canal near the industrial city of Gujranwala in eastern Punjab province. Civil authorities and commandos and divers from the army retrieved 80 passengers, five of whom had been injured. July 3

The entry of planets into a new sign cardinal sign is always an important event in mundane astrology. The chart for the Cancer Ingress of Mars at Gujranwala has a prominent T-square.  The Sun (with Mars)  squares the Nodal axis that is aligned with the meridian. This  suggests that this was one place where the effect of the combination would be felt.  Sun square the Nodal axis  is a phenomena known as “Moon Wobble”. In an earlier post  we have seen this phenomena linked with accidents and  crashes as this extract below explains:

During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more accidents, fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, Terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. These Cycles bring suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting.

Progressing the ingress chart bring the apex Sun-Mars to the descendant releasing the energy of the T-square which resulted in the accident. Both Sun and Mars are conjunct stars in the constellation of the Gemini Twins.   The original Twins in Greek mythology were military heroes. A common depiction has them carrying weapons of war (image above). But, in addition as Twins they are often shown joined together at the waist, thus indicating connections  (a bridge ?) between separated entities. Here in the news the joining together symbolically  represents the bridge on which the accident occurred. Among events connected with the stars conjunct  Sun and Mars, Diana Rosenberg lists “accidents and collapses, often due to carelessness, heedlessness or neglect” . She mentions that Mars was here at the Aries Ingress of 2008 when there were news reports of major construction crane collapses due to carelessness or corruption. 
