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Fox attacks man in Dutch suburban garden

Vulpecula et Anser

the Fox and the Goose

A hungry fox pacing next to a chicken coup in the garden of a family home in Zeewolde has attacked the person filming its actions on a mobile phone.  Eduard Plate, who is a Flevoland provincial councillor for the VVD, spotted the fox hanging around his neighbours' chickens on Wednesday afternoon and started filming it. After a few seconds the fox turned and saw Plate. It leapt at him, forcing him to run off and stop filming. Plate called in pest control experts who caught the fox and took it to Lelystad where it was killed, RTL news reports. August 6

The lunar cycle has been observed for ages and astrologers have come to realize that Moon phases have a special connection to events on Earth especially if the Moon is placed in an angular house. A chart drawn for the Full Moon[7aq]  of July 31 at Zeewolde  is shown here. Notice that it is prominently placed in the 4th house. But what is not so obvious is that it is conjunct the stars 13 Vulpecula [7aq] of the Fox [1]. In addition, the IC [24cp] is occupied by 1 Vulpecula [25cp]  so that when the celestial Fox was  highlighted by the Full Moon at Zeewolde  the earthly Fox made his appearance on cue!

Two other points in the chart deserve attention. First, that the now separating Uranus-Pluto square on the descendant and IC  is brought into play by Mars on the MC forming a loose T-square. Mars[24cn] is conjunct the star Pollux. Beta (β) Gemini, Pollux, is a "yellowish" or "reddish," star positioned on the head of the Southern Twin in the constellation of Gemini. 
The club in his left hand depicts his violent nature. In addition, in his “The Combination of Stellar Influences”, Ebertin gives the following key words for Mars-Pluto-Uranus: “Cruelty, violence and brutality”. Second, Mercury [16le] is conjunct the star Dubhe, alpha Ursa Major.  Diana Rosenberg connects “issues relating to the destruction or protection of children, animals and the environment” with this star. So the question that will remain is “did they need to kill the animal”. Perhaps the stars are illuminating our own violent nature.
