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On why Syria is winning

Syria is winning. Despite ongoing bloodshed and serious economic pressure, Syria is advancing steadily towards a military and strategic victory that will transform the Middle East. There is clear evidence that Washington’s plans – whether for ‘regime change’, for rendering the state dysfunctional or for dismembering the country on sectarian lines – have failed.

That failure will fatally wound the US dream, announced a decade ago by Bush junior, for a subservient ‘New Middle East’. Syria’s victory is a combination of coherent popular support for the national army, in face of a vicious sectarian Islamists (takfiris), firm backing by key allies, and fragmentation of the international forces lined up against them.

The economic hardships, including regular blackouts, are now worse but have not broken the Syrian people’s will to resist. The government ensures basic foods are affordable and maintains education, health, sports, cultural and other services. A string of formerly hostile states and UN agencies are resuming their relations with Syria. An improved security situation, the recent big power agreement with Iran and other favourable diplomatic moves are all signs that the Axis of Resistance has strengthened.

Nicholas Campion in his  "The Book of World Horoscopes gives the mundane Horoscope of Syria as based on the French Transfer of  Powers on Jan. 1, 1944; 00.00. AM EET (+00.00); Damascus, Syria; 36E18'00"; 33N30'00" [1]. The most prominent transit to this chart in the recent past has been that of the epoch defining Uranus-Pluto square to the angles. Uranus is on the descendant while Pluto is on the IC. The following extract from Bill Herbst’s post  “Uranus-Pluto: War and Violence” explains the dynamics of the Uranus-Pluto square.

In its most basic symbolism, Uranus in Aries indicates the awakening into action at the individual level. Considered from that very general standpoint, the implications are not particularly shocking or disturbing. The rebellious, revolutionary impulse of Uranus in the context of a square to Pluto from Aries to Capricorn indicates the great likelihood that selected individuals will commit themselves actively to challenging authority, institutions, government, and the status quo of cultural rules and regulations. Whatever the “ordinary” amount of individual disobedience against authority would be, during the decade of the 2010s, this tendency will likely be enlarged in quantity, heightened in dramatic quality, and made more eccentric and willful. That’s easy to understand from the essential symbolism, interesting, and significant, but not particularly worrisome. However, certain more particular implications of Arian symbolism are enough to give one pause in concern. Aries is not only the impulse to act in ways that are physical, kinetic, pointed, urgent, and passionate, nor merely the drive to be “born” into individual personhood, and not just sexual desire. Aries also “governs” war and violence in general. When Aries is activated as the provocateur in the Uranus-Pluto square in the dynamic tension of juxtaposition to the institutions of society associated with Capricorn, the symbolic possibilities dramatically increase that we would see increased war and violence. That’s a given. The other side of the coin, however, is that war and violence may become the target of various movements to change the status quo of what is considered acceptable in civilization.

As we approach the pinnacle of the Uranus-Pluto alignment, which defines the archetypal currents flowing through the zeitgeist, now is the perfect time to stand up in protest against all forms of unjust violence that corrupt our civility and threaten even the future of civilization itself. To make that long uphill climb toward a better, more loving world, we need the emotion of anger. This is the time to move into the light whatever forms of cruelty and needless suffering have remained masked, falsely justified, or hidden in the shadows.

The transit of Uranus  is  on the descendant  conjunct the radix TNPs Admetus-Hades. Martha Wescott’s  key phrases for the combination describe perfectly the endurance of the Syrian people:

Admetus-Hades: to endure in the face of difficulty and decline;  to put up with humiliation, debasement or mistreatment.

The MC [14cn] of Syria’s chart is occupied by the US Sibly Sun [13cn]. This is conjunct the star Sirius, alpha Canis Major. In China, this was the baleful Jackal or “Wolf Star” associated with thievery and looting, representing Hsiung-nu (Hun) tribes that warred with the Han people on the NW borders of China. In addition, at least two Amerind tribes, the Pawnee and Osage, called Sirius either “Wolf Star”or “Coyote Star”.  These descriptions bring out the nature of the US action in Syria quite well  now that there is enough evidence of US support for ISIS.

On the Ascendant [13li] are stars of Corvus and the Virgin which describe the role played by ISIS in the Syrian war. About this area, Diana Rosenberg writes:

The worst of them are greedy, scavenging, dishonest and exploiting opportunists, sinister, vicious and acquisitive. In a gross distortion of the Virgin’s longing for purity, they may insist that there is only one proper way to do things, one true path to follow, attempting to “purify” the human race by ruthlessly eliminating those who are not of their race, perceiving violence, terrorism and murder as solutions to problems.

But as always there is never just one indicator to explain events. Here the progressed Sun [22pi] conjunct Markab, alpha Pegasus squares radix Saturn [22ge] which in turn is conjunct the star Bellatrix. Gamma (γ) Orion, Bellatrix, is a pale yellow star marking the left shoulder of the Hunter/ Warrior.  Warfare and conflict are Orion’s forte and Arabs called Bellatrix  Najid, the Conqueror. Markab is on the wing of the Flying Horse which recall lifts Andromeda out of her troubles.  Here this fortunate scenario would seem to apply to Syria which appears to be winning the war.
