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Saudi Arabia Reports a Surge in MERS Deaths

A rash of fatalities from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has been reported in Saudi Arabia, where 19 people have died after contracting the disease this week alone. Including the recent spate, the kingdom’s Health Ministry has recorded 502 fatalities and 1,171 reported cases since June 2012 when the virus first appeared, reports Agence France-Presse. The surge in infections comes as Saudi Arabia prepares to host about 2 million Muslims who will travel to the country for the annual hajj pilgrimage next month. Aug. 27

In the last several posts we have seen one manifestation of Jupiter-Neptune as “ponzi schemes” in which masses are deceived.   Here we will see another way this combination manifests as “respiratory diseases”.

Jupiter-Neptune: Respiratory illness and allergies [1]

We often think of Neptune as the lord of the sea and therefore ruling water. But if we remember that Neptune also rules the sense of connectedness with all life we begin to understand why it also rules the air which we all breathe.

So what is the link?  A ponzi scheme is like a cloud, fog of illusion or deceit (Neptune) that  the unsuspecting masses  lacking proper discrimination (Saturn) fall victim to. Metaphorically speaking it is similar to a respiratory disease that spreads rapidly through the air (Neptune) like an epidemic bringing down people who lack strong boundaries (Saturn).

Shown here is the chart for the Gibbous Moon phase of Aug. 26  at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Sun and Moon make hard aspects to the meridian making the phase important for the place. They also activate Saturn and the Jupiter-Neptune opposition.

Finally  we see that Moon [17cp] conjoins Pluto [13cp] which is conjunct the star Ascella. Zeta (ΞΆ) Sagittarius, Ascella, is a star in the Archer’s chest . Diana Rosenberg links this star to “lung ailments”.  Uranus-Pluto square straddles the meridian” – the “sudden outbreak” (Uranus)  of  hidden diseases (Pluto) [2].

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha Lang-Wescott; p.65
