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BA flight catches fire at Las Vegas airport

A recording of a call for mayday from the pilot of a British Airways plane that caught fire at Las Vegas airport, has been released. An engine of the aircraft that was bound for London caught fire, forcing the evacuation of 172 people on board on emergency slides. Airport officials said at least 13 people were taken to hospital with minor injuries. Sept. 9

Cardinal ingresses of the Sun are important events in mundane astrology. Shown here is the chart for the Sun’s entry into sidereal Cancer drawn for Las Vegas. Notice that Mars is in the 9th house as part of a Grand Cross containing Uranus-Pluto and the TNP Zeus. The 9th house is linked to “long distance journeys” and by association to “aircrafts” [1].  H.S. Green connects an afflicted Mars in the 9th house with  “accidents, fires and explosions  affecting  shipping” which should also be extended  to aircrafts.  The TNP Zeus is linked to “fires”  but more specifically here  Zeus is conjunct the stars of Corvus, the Raven which symbolically is connected to flights so that fire on an aircraft  would  not be unexpected. Finally, we must remember that the Uranus-Pluto square is also linked to accidents.

Progressing the chart to September 9 brings the Grand Cross to an alignment with the meridian triggering the event reported in the news.

[2] Mundane or National Astrology; H.S. Green (p.46)
