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Indonesia arrests executives of 'haze-causing' companies

Indonesia has arrested executives from seven companies accused of being behind illegal fires causing air pollution in the region. Correspondents say such arrests are rare, but could result in fines and prison sentences of up to 15 years. Haze caused by forest fires is an annual problem but this year has been one of the worst in Indonesia. Indonesia has declared a state of emergency in Riau province, and nearby countries are also affected. Malaysia and Singapore have seen deteriorating air quality from the haze, which stretches hundreds of kilometres across South East Asia. Sept. 17

The news comes to us at the Crescent Moon. A chart for the Moon phase at Riau, Indonesia is shown here. The Crescent Moon [9sc] is conjunct the star pi Hydrae [9sc]. About the Hydra, it was said that it was so venomous that just its breath or the odor of its tracks could kill.

Also notice that  the horizon aligns  with the Jupiter - Neptune  opposition which Martha Wescott links with “respiratory/allergy problems” [1].  Here Jupiter [7vi] on the Descendant [10vi] which is conjunct the stars Zosma, delta Leonis [11vi]  and theta Antilae [10vi] in the Air Pump. About this area Nick Fiorenza [2] adds:

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens.

Putting the pieces together we can see why Indonesia and the surrounding regions are waking up to the problem of air pollution.

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha-Lang Wescott (p.65)
