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Merkel the compassionate

ANGELA MERKEL may be the most powerful politician in Europe, but she has rarely shown much inclination for bold leadership. Both in domestic politics and, especially, during the euro crisis, the German chancellor’s style has been one of cautious incrementalism. She has eschewed sweeping visions, put off decisions whenever possible and usually reflected, rather than shaped, public opinion. The European Union has paid a heavy price for her small-bore instincts, not least because they made the euro-zone crisis deeper and more protracted than it needed to be. Against that background, Mrs Merkel’s approach to Europe’s migrant crisis is remarkable. As throngs of Africans and Arabs turn Italian and Greek islands, and eastern European railway stations, into refugee camps (and are found dead in Austrian lorries), the chancellor has taken a brave stand. She has denounced xenophobes, signalled Germany’s readiness to take more Syrian refugees and set out a European solution to a politically explosive problem. Sept.5

To understand this remarkable stand that Merkel has taken on the migrant issue we begin by looking at her chart [1].  Notice the powerful position of Neptune on the MC square the Sun . This is a combination that astrologers connect with deep compassion for those in need but also to a public image of "weakness" .  Neptune is  opposite the asteroid Proserpina and square Uranus. This asteroid deals with “life passages”- times when one must  “leave” one place (set of conditions) and go to another. When combined with Uranus – the planet which rules radical changes e.g. war or revolutions – we can see how it symbolizes the migrants here, displaced by the war in Syria.

But how is the combination triggered in Merkel’s chart now?  Well, her progressed Sun [23vi]  is semi-sextile radix Neptune[23li] and sextile radix Uranus [23cn]. Transit Neptune [8pi] which is conjunct the star Skat  forms a sharp sesqui-square to radix Neptune. Delta (δ) Aquarius, Skat, is a star on the Shin-bone of the Water Pourer. About this star conjunct Neptune, Nick Fiorenza[2] writes:

Neptune dissolves that which is fixed and segregated into universality—the quality of humanitarian Aquarius. Neptune elevates and spiritualizes that which it aligns with toward higher more universal ideals.

Skat, Delta Aquarius, is "star of the foundation," marking the shinbone of the waterbearer. Skat is of humanitarian philanthropic foundations, organizations, and business vessels through which material and financial support can flow for future-oriented humanitarian focused projects and for the nourishment of an evolved human society flourishing in the arts and sciences. Skat inspires action in support of this pursuit.
