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The March of shame

They are people, like us. They are young, they are old, they are men, women and children, they are lawyers or masons or doctors or barbers or plumbers or computer engineers. They are people, and they are coming. Their countries fell apart, their houses were destroyed, their neighbours died. They lost friends and relatives, they lost their loved ones, they lost a limb. They fled. They took trucks or buses or cars or bicycles. They walked. They were smuggled, assaulted, abused, kidnapped on the way. They crossed a border, or two, or three. They were detained, arrested, beaten. They were parked in camps. They were told to live a life without a future, they were told to wait until their country is fixed, they were told to wait with no end in sight. And then they came. Of course they came. They got on those rickety boats to cross the sea. Some of them were pushed back. Some of them sank and had to return to the coast. Some of them drowned. But they kept coming, and instead of greeting them with open arms, our governments screamed, "we're being overrun!" Sept.4

Look at the sea change in the attitude of  Europe. The refugee crisis started sometime in April 2015. Most migrants are war refugees, fleeing countries bombed by NATO. At first European leaders called for military action to stop boats from reaching European shores. But when the steady trickle became a flood, there was nothing they could do and became resigned to accepting the migrants. But as always governments do not represent the general attitude of the people as the welcome that the refugees are now receiving  demonstrates. So let us get back to the astrology….what changed?  In a previous post [1] on the crisis, we examined the upcoming total lunar eclipse of Sept.28  and wrote:

Notice that the Full Moon of Aug.29 fell almost exactly on the horizon axis of the eclipse chart thereby activating it a month in advance.The eclipse chart has Jupiter-Neptune on the horizon axis square Saturn on the IC. Neptune is the enemy of boundaries, of sharp definitions, of fixed forms and shapes. It  is the fluid, seeping through Saturnian walls of rules and regulations. Being  the great dissolver,  it has no respect  for international boundaries so that,  in our news here, it combines with Jupiter (long distance travelers) to send waves after waves of migrants across the borders of European countries.

The Sun, Earth and Neptune aligned on September 1, initiating a new annual Neptune synodic cycle. A chart for the synod at Nickelsdorf, Austria  where under a cold rain, waves of exhausted migrants late Saturday continued to pour in on their way to Germany [2] has the Sun-Neptune opposition on the horizon axis.

With Neptune conjunct stars in the Water Pourer’s Urn, this cycle continues to inspire the dissolution of boundaries that separate humankind, and it brings inspiration to evolve our ideologies toward a humanitarian-based society, where all people and all life are cared for.

On the MC of the chart are the stars Botein, Rana and Zaurak about which Nick Fiorenza [3] writes:

Botein can indicate those either lost and stranded, or simply left behind (the lost or following sheep), and thus can create a sense of frustration; but this is also a place of an energetic potential about to erupt. Rana of Eridanus, conjoining Botein, marks another stopping point along the river of life and articulates the theme of those lost or tired through their initiations stopping either in need of aid or for regeneration in preparation for what is yet to come. Zaurak asks us to  trust our inner heart light and intuition, regain our strength, and follow through despite the path may not be entirely visible, even tumultuous.



Those readers who follow sky news will be interested in knowing that on September 5, the Moon occults the star Aldebaran – a rare phenomena. The meaning of this star as described by Nick Fiorenza sums up the help being received by the migrants as they journey through Europe.

Aldebaran, Eye of the Bull and one of the Four Royals Architects, is the vision holder for physical logistics and an infrastructure designed to support humanity and families in fundamental material ways sometimes in the midst of chaos and the diversionary conditions of human life. The theme of the Shield is one of establishing a protective environment when starting new ventures or enterprises when they are in their formative or planning stages, yet to become self-sustaining. This also extends to physical abodes and daily sustenance, of ensuring the care for self and for others. 
