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Crows: birds that fear death

Crows are known to behave strangely around their dead: they gather around and squawk loudly nearby. The idea that it is part of some sort of ritual funeral has often been proposed. But what they are actually doing has largely remained a mystery, as scientists had little to rely on except anecdotal evidence of such behaviour. A team has now set out to unpick just why crows act so attentively around their fallen brethren….Results show that crows will avoid an area or thing that is deemed dangerous to their own species. In other words, they know what death is and know to fear it.

The study was carried out by researchers at the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. It was published on September 24, 2015 on the very day Pluto stationed to go direct. A chart for the station at Seattle is shown here. Notice the Mercury-Pluto-Uranus T-square aligned with the horizon axis. In mythology Pluto is linked to death while here Mercury is conjunct Delta (δ) Corvus, Algorab, a star on the right wing of the Raven  so that it is not difficult to see the cosmic energies working behind the publication of the study. 
