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On how the solar eclipse affects the US Sibly

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.” (Walter Scott, 1771-1832, “Marmion.”)

October 07, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "NEO" - To those who bothered to listen to President Obama’s UN General Assembly speech without falling asleep like Secretary John Kerry clearly wished to do, there was a stark contrast to that speech which followed from the Russian President. First before Barack Obama completed his first sentence we could feel his emotion. It was projecting a contempt and arrogance of a special variety: “We have the biggest, baddest military; we call the shots, you peons of the nations of the world.” Going through the official Obama text it’s difficult to find even one sentence where he speaks honestly. It’s an example not of grey propaganda but black. I cite several of the most egregious instances.

In this post we intend to show how most of the issues that the US is facing can be seen in its Sibly chart. The solar eclipse of Sept. 13 fell on the radix Neptune [22vi] square Mars [21ge] (see chart). It fell conjunct the star Denebola [22vi]. About this area Nick Fiorenza [1] writes:

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denbola is the tail. Zosma and Chort can indicate being diverted due to toxic congestion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political religious figures manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive while offering salvation from the human struggle. Southern Velorum, the sail of the Argo, is of evolutionary currents that are transcendent to the diversionary spectacle above. These stars create a diverse polarity of energy that set Leo’s “back stage.”

 An eclipse falling on a radix planet stirs it up and has this quality of unraveling issues that we have not been ready to face. Here not only are the deceitful intentions (Neptune) of the war god (Mars)  brought into scrutiny but weakened and even nullified (Neptune).

 On September 16, 2015, almost two weeks before the Obama UN speech, Gen. Lloyd Austin III, head of the US “war against ISIS,” during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Syria, admitted that the military program intended produce 5,400 trained fighters a year has so far only resulted in “four or five” who still remain on the ground and active in combat.

The second thing to notice is that the US led coalition has not been effective either in Syria or in Ukraine. EU members prefer the lifting of Russian sanctions  and comprehensive peace talks to settle the Ukranian problem while the US continues to want a war there so that now the US is looking to keep EU out of negotiations in Syria.

With the UN General Assembly setting up a growing call for international negotiations on ending the Syrian Civil War, the Obama Administration is taking a risky position, reportedly trying to keep all Western European nations from taking part in the negotiations.[2]

In the Sibly chart notice that the Nodal axis bisects the Mars-Neptune square. Ebertin’s  key phrases relevant here are:

Mars-Neptune-Node :  The inclination to exploit, deceive and cheat other people; undermining of associations through lack of stability, unreliability. Weakness of will or negative attitudes.

This is further confirmed by the Sibly Sun’s progressed position [11pi] which forms hard aspects to Saturn-Node and Kronos-Hades radix midpoints.

Saturn-Node: Lack of adaptability, great difficulties in co-operating with others.

Kronos-Hades:  Authority’s position undermined by  “secrets” or “dirty business”. 

And finally to go back to the astrology behind news item above regarding  Obama’s boastful speech at the UN on September 28, we have Jupiter [11vi] transiting opposite the US progressed Sun [11pi] and triggering the Kronos-Hades midpoint. Martha-Wescott interprets this as follows:

Kronos-Hades- Jupiter: to see leadership (Kronos) degrade (Hades) others through assumed superiority (Jupiter).
