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Recognizing Neocon Failure Shows Obama Has Come To His Senses

October 12, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge and others are misinterpreting Steve Kroft’s “60 Minutes” interview with President Obama. They see weakness and confusion in Obama’s responses and conclude that Kroft shredded Obama. What I see is entirely different. Steve Kroft is either a neoconservative or he is inculcated into the neocon mind-set that the US must prevail everywhere. Kroft’s view is that weakness and indecision on Obama’s part is the reason the US is not prevailing in Syria. Kroft’s purpose is to embarrass Obama and push him into escalating the situation. However, Obama is too strong for him. I read the interview as Obama saying that the neocon program has turned out not to be in America’s national interest. At the end of the Syria section of the interview, Obama says: “If in fact the only measure [of US strength] is for us to send another 100,000 or 200,000 troops into Syria or back into Iraq or perhaps into Libya, or perhaps into Yemen, and our goal somehow is that we are now going to be, not just the police, but the governors of this region, that would be a bad strategy. If we make that mistake again, then shame on us.” The interview shows me Obama’s strength in recognizing and stating the failure of the neocon program to which his administration was hitched by policymakers in the government. There is hope in this demonstration of strength that in his final year as President he will pull back from the crazed, insane neoconservative agenda of US world hegemony.

An analysis of Obama’s chart appears to support Paul Craig Roberts conclusions above. The President’s radix Sun [12le] is conjunct the star Kochab, beta Ursae Minoris  of the Little Bear. The constellations of the Mother Bear and her Cub have long been associated with a mothering and protective force standing against the powers out to destroy or control humanity.  Proceeding a little further we see that Obama has Pluto-Zeus conjunction square Moon.  The stars conjunct Pluto-Zeus are Al Kaphrah of Ursa Major and Thuban of Draco.  An extract from Nick Fiorenza [1]explains the dynamics of the stars in this area:

The Stars of the Great Bear are associated with the global scene and world powers. The over-seeing stars of Ursa Major west of Regulus (Early Leo and Cancer) are those of the integrous side of the Bear--that which is oriented toward a Greater Vision: to be a caring and nurturing force for the people of the Earth, and they also imply this responsibility. Those to the east, which lie over the later “hind of the Lion” to Benatnasch, the tail of the Bear, at the Leo-Virgo cusp, are those of the fallen powers focused in controlling and perpetuating the suppression of humanity in darkness--indeed the Bear is torn.

Megrez and Phecda (Phad) of the Great Bear inspire the responsible administration, management and distribution of power, to ensure it is applied in alignment with our intended evolutionary course. Megrez inspires us to look at things from a different, alternative, or askew perspective to see what is otherwise not seen--to see that which is behind the scenes or creating the appearance. It teaches us discernment, to not be naïve, accepting things from their surface appearance alone. Megrez and Phecda also invite us to look at our selves from an askew perspective to re-examine what drives our persona and the image we project into the world, and if we are living true to our desired course and are an expression of who we really are, or if we are diverted from our true direction.

Al Kaphrah of Ursa Major extends from Megrez and Phecda (Phad); and the hind legs of the Great Bear extend from Al Kaphrah, which forms the hind feet of the Bear, Alula Borealis and Alula Australis, and Tania Borealis and Tania Australis. Al Kaphrah and Alula impart a long-standing and established power, expressed as an assertive and powerful creative force applied to steer and protect. They are of stability, enduring strength and established authority. Al Kaphrah also impels the balanced distribution or delegation of power and authority. Alula synthesizes with the theme of Thuban of Northern Draco and the Vela X–1 Neutron Star in Velorum, the sail of the Argo.

Thuban of Draco, in the far northern heavens, just north of Alioth, was Earth’s pole star circa 2600 BC, near the “tear of the Bear,” a point in Earth’s ~25,000-year “evolutionary cycle of the soul” at which time a turning and fractioning occurred in the hierarchical powers governing Earth. This dramatized the separation between those choosing to fight for a greater evolutionary vision and those wanting to maintain totalitarian control of the Earth.

With transit Neptune opposing Obama’s  Pluto-Zeus and Saturn approaching a square to it we begin to see why Obama is no longer comfortable with the neocon agenda of perpetual war. The TNP Zeus deals with war while Pluto (7th house) is all about having to deal with obsessive people like the neocons  out to wage war as part of their agenda for world domination.  Under a transit from practical Saturn to Pluto, he is being advised to be careful not to stir up animosities by engaging in futile power struggles with a Republican controlled administration. Why fight fiercely when there is no chance of winning? Instead, if possible, undermine or sabotage (Neptune) their agenda.  This is why Obama appears weak and confused.
