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Man died with 'tapeworm tumours'

A man has died with tumours made of cancerous parasitic worm tissue growing in his organs, doctors report. The patient had HIV and his weakened immune system allowed the worm-cancer to flourish. The unusual case was diagnosed through a collaboration between the US Centers for Disease Control and the UK's Natural History Museum. Doctors said the case, detailed in the New England Journal of Medicine, was "crazy" and unusual. Nov.5

In a recent post [1]  we showed how the last solar eclipse of September 13 placed in Virgo (intestines) and conjunct the star Denebola led to a near death situation for a man with intestinal tapeworm infection.

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion, with Denbola marking the tail. They can manifest as emotional distress and agitation, often due to physical toxic congestion, which can also result in a depressed state of mind or view upon life, as well chronic health conditions, generally abdominal and intestinal. Alignments here can also indicate a need to clear any accumulated toxicity in a variety of areas of our lives. 

The same eclipse chart drawn for Medellin, Colombia is shown here. Progressing the chart  to Nov. 5, the date of the news, brings the Ascendant to an alignment with the eclipse thereby triggering it.
