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Who’s in Control? Obama or the Generals?

November 16, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "RT" - US President Barack Obama’s business-like meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit at the weekend belies a spate of bellicose comments made by the Pentagon towards Moscow. So, who is in control: Obama or the generals?

The powerful solar eclipse of September 13 is  being activated by transiting Jupiter which conjoins the eclipse degree position. The following extract from  a previous post [1] on how the solar eclipse was affecting the US Sibly is, therefore, relevant here:

The solar eclipse of Sept. 13 fell on the radix Neptune [22vi] square Mars [21ge] . It fell conjunct the star Denebola [22vi]. About this area Nick Fiorenza [1] writes:

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denbola is the tail. Zosma and Chort can indicate being diverted due to toxic congestion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political religious figures manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive while offering salvation from the human struggle. Southern Velorum, the sail of the Argo, is of evolutionary currents that are transcendent to the diversionary spectacle above. These stars create a diverse polarity of energy that set Leo’s “back stage.”

 An eclipse falling on a radix planet stirs it up and has this quality of unraveling issues that we have not been ready to face. Here not only are the deceitful intentions (Neptune) of the war god (Mars)  brought into scrutiny but weakened and even nullified (Neptune).

Going back to the eclipse chart we notice that the eclipse activates Uranus in the 10th house through a sharp quincunx aspect. Uranus in turn is square Pluto in the 6th . In mundane astrology, the 10th and 6th house rule the “president” and the “armed forces” respectively [2]. And since a square represents an obstacle or a crisis we can see why the eclipse activation is bringing this issue out into the open.

6th House:  Rules the armed forces and the police as well as issues concerning national defense.
10th House -  Rules the president, prime minister, the sovereign and their government.
