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Eagles Trained to Intercept Drones in Denmark

Lyra and the Eagle

Dutch police are investigating a novel approach to citizens guilty of what might be called drone abuse: They’re training eagles to take the tiny copters out of the sky. A company called Guard from Above has been contracted to train the raptors, following a reported increase in the number of drone incidents in Denmark. According to a Dutch police press release on the initiative, such incidents usually have to to do with security — drones flying in places where they’re not allowed, for example. Interference with air ambulances is another infraction police in the country have seen. Feb. 1

A very interesting news item that can help us illustrate how planetary combinations along with star constellations in mundane charts can reveal details that would otherwise go unnoticed. Shown here the chart for the last quarter Moon of February 1 at Copenhagen, Denmark.  Notice  that the Uranus-Pluto square  straddles the meridian. The following extract from Bill Herbst explains the Uranus-Pluto dynamics.

People who are aware of at least some of the symbolic meanings of the Uranus-Pluto square need to understand that Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn are both double-sided. One isn’t “good” and the other “bad.” That’s far too simplistic. Each planet-sign pair has positive and negative meanings as judged by context and perspective. Uranus in Aries can mean standing up for individual freedom through the protection (and sometimes the reassertion) of personal rights against the draconian power of a collective — whether governmental, corporate, or social — that no longer considers the needs of individuals, which is the dark side of Pluto in Capricorn (rule by and for a privileged oligarchy). But the equations can work the other way, too. The power of the collective to force conformity against “outlaws” who harm society can be the cavalry riding to the rescue to defend the common good by preventing willful, insensitive, or even sociopathic depredations by individuals or companies whose actions harm  everyone’s safety and well-being.

Of interest in the present context is the last sentence. Here the police is attempting to use eagles to take out  civilian drones flying in places where they’re not allowed. Notice that Pluto in Capricorn (representing government agencies) is conjunct the star Vega, alpa Lyra, “Harp Star”. Lyra was often also depicted as an eagle! 
