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Yanis Varoufakis launches DiEM25 – a new movement in Europe


the Stork

Europe is sliding into “a modern 1930s” and authorities are “making it up as they go along”, Yanis Varoufakis has warned as he launches a new movement which he says will “democratise” the continent. Speaking to The Independent as he outlined his vision of the DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025) project, the self-described “erratic Marxist” says he wants to remove power from an unaccountable, authoritarian elite and distribute it fairly to the continent’s citizens.  Feb.10

Varoufakis’ new movement the DiEM25  launched in Berlin comes just a day after the New Moon. The following extract from Nick Fiorenza explains the energies contained in this New Moon:

This February 8, 2016 Moon lies in an area of the heavens where the constellations of Capricorn and Aquarius overlap. The New Moon lies under the auspices of Dephinus, the Dolphin star system, conjoining Sualocin, Gamma and Delta, which form the head of the Dolphin. In the southern heavens is Gruis the Crane. Conjoining are Alnair, Mu, Lambda and Ras Alkurki (Gamma), forming the neck and head of the Crane. Also conjoining and influencing are Nashira of Capricorn and the stars forming the tail of the fish-goat; Nu of Aquarius; Theta and Iota of Piscis Aus., and Gamma and Epsilon of the Toucan.

Gruis is of resolute verdicts, decisive decisions and fortuitous tidings based upon bodies of knowledge, especially regarding legalities, business dealings, constitutional matters, and news associated with new life and new beginnings. This is an eloquently expressive and articulate area of the zodiak, with gregarious and loquacious qualities. It is of libraries, courts, congresses, publishing houses, literary agencies, or where ideas and information is formulated, agreed upon and concretized.

This New Moon expressing throughout this lunar cycle impels decisive decisions and resolute formulation of ideas, ideals and visions, especially those emerging throughout the previous lunar cycle, that serve to awaken and elevate human consciousness and that serve us to achieve our greater aspirations in life. It is especially favorable for agreements and declarations in formal ventures and professional pursuits. It impels an eloquent articulation of information and knowledge, which may express as fortuitous news supporting new beginnings for our selves and for others.

But  as we have seen before, major events always have more than one indicators. A chart for the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 at Berlin is shown here. Notice that it is significantly placed square the horizon axis. 

Further, if we progress it to Feb.9, 2016, the progressed meridian triggers the Uranus-Pluto square. In his post on this eclipse Sculpting a New Life Paradigm, Nick Fiorenza writes:

This lunar cycle brings attention to our longer-term interests and desires, which is also an underlying current for this entire year due to the December 2014 Solstice New Moon occurring on the Gate of God of Earth’s Precessional Cross (and just after the sixth Uranus-Pluto geocentric square). It brings emphasis to radically transform our fundamental ways of living and our material values and pursuits to establish sustainability based from spiritual ethics and a mature sense of morality for all life. It impels us to elevate and equilibrate the conditions of living amongst all people. It is now clear to a much wider populous that the failing economic and political systems do not serve the awakening new consciousness on Earth—innovative revolution determined for solution is at hand.
