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Brazil artist blindfolds Rio statues as protest


A hundred statues on the streets of Rio de Janeiro have had their eyes covered in red blindfolds. It is an artistic protest at the deepening political crisis in Brazil. The anonymous artist said he wanted to protect national figures from Brazil's history from seeing the shameful state of the nation. The artist said the work was not connected to protest marches against President Dilma Rousseff planned for Sunday. The statues, which are scattered across the city, include one of Brazil's ex-President Getulio Vargas, the country's first dictator who ruled the country from 1930 to 1945 and sought to transform Brazil from a plantation-based economy into an industrial powerhouse.

The current solar eclipse is part of a T-square that straddles the horizon axis at Rio.  Eclipses are packed with layers and layers of meaning. They create events  through the various elements that they emphasize in the mundane  chart. Some events show the principles underlying the eclipse in a positive light while others may illustrate their negative manifestation. In a previous post [1] we saw one way in which the elements had combined in the eclipse chart. Here we see another.

As mentioned previously, the eclipse has occurred in the flowing waters of Aquarius.  About this area, Diana Rosenberg writes:

Selfishness may twist and pervert these souls, for these stars bring forth polarities: some are beneficent, compassionate and sacrificial. A few, however, deliberately choose to close themselves off to compassion, arrogantly taking what they need from others and riding roughshod over (or exploiting) any in their way. The greatest issue here  is that of compassion and kindness vs indifference to suffering; morality and adherence to their religion or philosophy vs opportunistic corruption.

In the previous post [1] the fisherman’s compassion for the penguin was the centerpiece of the story. In this one the corruption of leaders and their indifference to the suffering of the general public is highlighted. But the principle is the same…compassion for others or lack of it.

But there are some other elements of the chart that this story brings out. Among the several stars that the eclipse conjoins there is also delta Sculptoris [16pi]. While Saturn on the Ascendant conjoins alpha (α) Hercules, Ras Algethi [16sa].

Sculptor[2] is one of the modern constellations in the Southern Hemisphere named in 1752 by Abbe Nicholas Louis de Lacaille. It was originally named L' Atelier du Sculpteur (the Sculptor's Workshop), the name was shortened to Sculptor. By association, the constellation is linked to sculptures and statues.

In its most positive manifestation, the constellation Hercules [3] refers to heroes who work for the benefit of mankind.  The star Ras Algethi [4] is situated on Hercules’ head just above his eyes so that Diana Rosenberg links this area with “brain and eye problems ”.  According to Liber Hermetis, the head of Hercules “makes many men one-eyed”.  

How strange that  the eclipse chart refers to “sculptures or statues” and issues connected with  the “eyes” of “heroes”.
