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CEO Dies in Car Crash After He’s Indicted

Oklahoma City police say Aubrey McClendon, a natural gas industry titan who was indicted on Tuesday by a federal grand jury, has been killed in a fiery single-car crash in Oklahoma City. Police Sgt. Ashley Peters says 56-year-old McClendon was the only occupant in the sport utility vehicle when it slammed into a concrete bridge pillar shortly after 9 a.m. Wednesday. McClendon’s death follows an announcement Tuesday that he had been indicted for allegedly conspiring to rig bids to buy oil and natural gas leases in northwest Oklahoma.  March 3

A square between Mercury and Mars becomes exact on March 4 but is already active. A chart for the mundane event at  Oklahoma City has the square sharply aspecting the meridian axis. A Mercury-Mars combination is well known to astrologers as liable to produce car (Mercury) accidents due to rash (Mars) driving.

That was the easy part. And now if we examine the stars that form the backdrop to Mercury and Mars some more details of the story can be explained.

Mars [29sc] is conjunct an area about which Diana Rosenberg writes:

This is an area of night: the Serpent and Scorpion, both denizens of the dark, hidden places, together with prowling Lupus dominate these longitudes, barely held in check by struggling Ophiuchus…the worst among those here are treasonous, treacherous  and with Lupus’ wild, animal energies raging underneath the surface, jealous, malevolent, brutal, evil-minded, murderous and insane (truly representative of the head and claws of a scorpion and a hand struggling with a serpent…  Ethics, morality and temperance are the primary challenges of these stars [1].

And for the stars conjunct Mercury [29aq] she writes:

In Greek mythology the Swan was associated with the goddess Nemesis and in China 26 Aquarii was a star of Sse-Ming, the Judge of Life and punisher of evil doers [2]. 

According to the report, McClendon’s car  slammed into a concrete bridge pillar shortly after 9 a.m. A chart for the moment has Pluto on the MC square Uranus.

In simple terms the Uranus-Pluto square represents a war between individualists (Uranus in Aries) and the government (Pluto in Capricorn).  In Capricorn, Pluto symbolizes the overwhelming power of the  collective to force conformity against “outlaws” who harm society.  It can be the cavalry riding to the rescue to defend the common good by preventing willful, insensitive, or even sociopathic depredations by individuals or companies whose actions harm  everyone’s safety and well-being.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2,p.271-73)
[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2,p.654)
