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Lunar eclipse message delivered through a hyena that lives with wolves

Striped hyenas (Hyaena hyaena) are solitary hunters. They forage alone but occasionally come together to munch on a kill. They are far less sociable than their better-known cousins, spotted hyenas. Both species are known to be highly intolerant of other large carnivores, and even of other members outside their immediate social group. They will also kill large aggressive dogs that get in their way.  That is why Vladimir Dinets of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, US, was surprised to find that a striped hyena had travelled with a pack of grey wolves – another hostile predator usually intolerant of other species.March 26

The essay by Melissa Hogenboom appeared on BBC Earth on March 26 just three days after a lunar eclipse that fell on the meridian at London.

In her essay Lunar Eclipse In Libra: Making Changes In How We Relate, Carmen Di Luccio writes:

We have been experiencing Lunar Eclipses in the Libra-Aries axis since October 2013, and this will be the final one of this series. Like Full Moons, this is a time when we feel a bit torn between both polarities, and need to learn to integrate them. Libra is about relating, diplomacy, and fairness. Seeing both sides of something, considering others, and taking a balanced approach is what this sign stands for. Libra is relationships, especially partnerships and marriage.
Mercury is also in Aries applying a conjunction to the Sun. This planet rules the mind, intellect, and communication. In this position, it is like Mercury is on the verge of being reborn. We may be working towards new ideas or a new way of thinking or even communicating. Or we may be completely thinking about ourselves and our own initiatives.
Whatever it is we are doing in our lives, wherever it is we are trying to lead or take independant action on, we will have circumstances that come up which bring up the need for some sort of consideration. For some people it can manifest as bringing their personal ideas into a relationship or partnership.

So if this is what the eclipse is essentially saying, these ideas are particularly significant for London where the eclipse falls on the meridian axis. Readers familiar with mundane astrology also know that elements on the angles interact with each other. Here on the descendant [27cp] we have stars of  Capricornus about which Nick Fiorenza quoting AndrĂ©s Takra writes:

“Capricornus has also been related to wolves, coyotes, hyenas, crocodiles and prehistoric beasts, especially the most cruel and ugly ones. Fossils also fall under its sway. Persons strongly influenced by Capricorn tend to stay alone quite a lot. They are often people who are awkward socially and shy away from the company of others even though deep down they crave their attention and support. Others may find them cold, distant, uncaring and nasty, but this is usually a way of hiding painful feelings of insecurity and fear of rejection." I have to say I see this relating most to early sidereal Capricorn.

Aries is the sign of the ‘self.’ It is independent, leading,  strong willed and a bit of a loner. While Libra is about relationships, especially partnerships and marriage. An eclipse on this axis is asking us to balance these two polarities. It would, therefore, appear that the eclipse has even chosen the characters of wolves and hyenas (Capricornus) to bring home the message of the need to interact and form relationships (Libra) with those one would normally avoid.
