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The healing power of poop

Last week at the inaugural Near Future Summit, (Wednesday, March 9) a leadership conference of forward-thinking professionals, tech entrepreneur Peter Diamandis asked members of the audience to raise their hands if they'd been born vaginally. He then asked them to keep their hands raised if they had also been breastfed and if, in more recent years, they'd avoided antibiotics, Z-Paks and major surgery. In the end, just a few dozen people in the audience of 250 or so still had their hands up.
This wasn't just an exercise in TMI: Diamandis was hoping to assess the microbiome status of his listeners. All of the aforementioned qualities suggest that a person's gut bacteria are healthy and undisturbed. Soon after Diamandis' straw poll, the medical philanthropist Lee Stein walked around handing out feces collection kits to the people who might be in possession of the perfect poop. It's unknown how many people at the summit chose to contribute data, so to speak. But any feces that were collected will become part of an in-depth analysis of how gut bacteria can have an effect on the entire body.
Our bodies are not just our own. In addition to the human cells we store, our gastrointestinal tract is home to trillions of non-human cells — an environment known as a microbiome, or sometimes "the microbiome." These gut bacteria are so numerous that they can weigh up to seven pounds, says Knight, and scientists are investigating their influence on everything from our digestion to our brains.
Knight likes to tell the story of how he fell ill in Peru because it perfectly summarizes the promise and the idiosyncrasy of the gastrointestinal microbiome. On the one hand, research into our gut bacteria could one day lead to treatments for obesity, bowel disorders and mental health conditions.

The inaugural Near Future Summit took place in La Jolla, California on Wednesday, March 9 – the very day of the solar eclipse which was placed among the stars of in the cleansing waters of Aquarius and the ever regenerating Phoenix which offer renewal and healing.
At La Jolla, the eclipse was placed very prominently on the descendant forming a T-square with Jupiter-Saturn. Jupiter on the Ascendant is in tropical Virgo – a sign that rules the intestinal tract [1] and trine Pluto, the planet that governs the eliminative system and all that is rejected as useless, ugly, dirty or downright evil such as garbage, slag, feces etc.

In astrology, while Saturn has to do more with the death of things that stay dead, with Pluto what has been let go may resurrect itself and return in a glorified form.  So Knight’s research may very well be on track to find cures to a whole lot of physical and mental conditions.
