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How an alcoholic monk founded her own monastery

I am a physician, I know how to heal, I carry with me all the herbs...
I am provided with a bag full of effective conjurations, I carry texts
for healing, I effect cures for all...

- The Gula Hymn of Bullutsa-rabi

Fifty years ago, Luang Poh Yaai lived as a Buddhist monk - a first for a woman in Thailand where religious authorities bar females from the monkhood. Today some get round the ban by getting ordained abroad and returning to live in monasteries for women. The temple of Wat Thamkrabok sits at the foot of a sweeping, craggy outcrop in the countryside north of Bangkok. Its courtyard is shaded by ancient trees. March 30;

Just a week before the news was published, an exact Jupiter-Saturn square took place. Saturn has just stationed retrograde in Sagittarius - a sign associated with monks and monasteries - and let us recall that retrogrades refer to the past so that we have a story that began fifty years ago.  At Bangkok, a chart for this event has a Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune-Venus T-square significantly placed on the angles.

This last quarter Jupiter-Saturn square, occurring now, impels movement and expansion away from societal models, sociopolitical structures, and constructs in our personal lives that have now become limiting and restricting to new growth.The existing constructs in our lives simply can not support any further growth, thus we either modify those constructs so they can allow a greater level of growth and expansion, or we dismantle those constructs all together.[1]

The following extract from the essay Saturn square Neptune: sweet illusion meets cold hard reality explains the dynamics of a Saturn-Neptune square and how it is relevant to our news.

Those who’ve been indulging heavily in Neptune’s lower aspect, turning their backs on reality and escaping into television, alcohol, drugs or other forms of denial, are likely to be hit especially hard by Saturn square Neptune. This is because we use these things as a means of putting off the inevitable painful realisation and the longer we avoid facing up to reality the harder we will be hit in the end.
On the plus side, Saturn can provide the focus and stamina that is necessary to turn dreams into reality and can guide you towards those goals that have real potential. In the end, although Saturn can seem harsh at times, he’s there to show you the best way to move forward and succeed in your life. Saturn square Neptune will also bring discernment and the ability to differentiate truth from lies [2].

In addition, Jupiter in Virgo also resonates to theme of discipline and self-improvement. As this extract from the essay Jupiter in Virgo/Saturn in Sagittarius- Detox explains.

Jupiter’s mission for us in Virgo is to help us recover. Work with him and be rehabilitated. You will not lose the person you have built for yourself in the crucible of the Cardinal Crisis, at least not at your core, but you will find it much easier to rejoin society. Your worst habits will be smoothed out, and the best parts of you will find ways to grow. In short, you will feel human again after this is over. Saturn’s mission is your liberation[3].

Finally, we notice that Venus and Neptune on the descendant are conjunct stars of Aquarius. On very ancient Mesopotamian kudurru (boundary stones carved with constellation figures) the area we know as Aquarius, the Water Pourer shows instead a seated goddess with a crouching dog: this was Earth Goddess Gula, “The Great Doctoress”, daughter of Anu, God of Heaven. Gula was “Great One” or “Great Female Physician” who could preserve the health of the body and remove sickness and disease with the touch of her hand.
