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Neptune Return and the Identity Crisis for the Republican Party

Only a year ago, Republicans were congratulating themselves on having the strongest field of presidential candidates in a generation — diverse, highly credentialed conservatives who might be the salvation of a party that had lost the popular vote in five of the past six elections. But now, the question is how close the Grand Old Party will come to annihilating itself and what it stands for. Donald Trump — dismissed by GOP elders for months as an entertaining fringe figure who would self-destruct — has staged a hostile takeover and rebranded the party in his own image. What is being left by the wayside is any sense of a Republican vision for the country or a set of shared principles that could carry the party forward.

A new horoscope for the  Republican Party  based on data provided in reference [1] is shown here. The most significant thing happening in this chart is a Neptune return to the radix Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces.

Neptune represents the ocean of consciousness that dissolves all boundaries between self and others so that when it transits over the radix Sun the identity begins to dissolve.

 This is nowhere more so than in the sign Pisces, the last stage of the Sun's zodiacal journey. Pisces is an era of storms and of wholesale disintegration. This is the stage when new blood is flowing into the old ruling classes, utterly transforming them. The proud "isolationists" are swept away when they refuse to link themselves up to the rising crest of the spring-to-be — as wintry icebergs are sent to liquid deaths by the equinoctial storms which rage through the Piscean period [2].

But going a step further, the T-square that the Sun-Neptune conjunction forms with Mars and the TNP Zeus defines the nature of these "isolationists" .  Mars is of course the “war god” and the TNP Zeus is linked with the military so that together they define the Republican party as a “war party” [3]. The 9/11 World Trade Center” false  flag” attack was fabricated by the Neocons to provide the excuse for the Afghanistan war and the Iraq  wars that followed. In 2001, a Saturn-Pluto opposition formed a T-square with the Sun-Neptune-Kronos conjunction  in the GOP chart.  One simple meaning of Kronos-Neptune is “leaders who deceive” . But to what purpose? To take the country to war (Mars-Zeus). Here Zeus is conjunct the stars of Hyades about which the ancient Roman astrologer Manilius  wrote:

"The Hyades are a stormy star group and was regarded as a separate constellation. Those born at this time take no pleasure in tranquillity and set no store by a life of inaction; rather they yearn for crowds and mobs and civil disorders. Sedition and uproar delight them; they long for the Gracchi to harangue from the platform, for a secession to the Sacred Mount, leaving but a handful of citizens at Rome; they welcome fights which break the peace and provide sustenance for fears. They herd their foul droves over untilled countryside, for this constellation also begot Ulysses' trusty swineherd (Eumaeus, or Eumaios, was Odysseus' swineherd ). Such are the qualities engendered by the Hyades at the rising of their stars". [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 5, p.308-311].

Astrologically speaking, the Neptune return in the GOP chart is an event of the first magnitude.  The party’s identity is being eroded. And the interesting thing is that the dissolution is being carried out  by its front runner candidate Donald Trump.  His current solar arc Neptune squares the GOP’s  radix Sun-Neptune. The crisis has been brought to a crescendo by the last solar eclipse which fell on the Sun-Neptune-Kronos combination.  
