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'Queen of the curve' Zaha Hadid dies

Dame Zaha Hadid, the world-renowned architect, whose designs include the London Olympic aquatic centre, has died aged 65. The British designer, who was born in Iraq, had a heart attack on Thursday while in hospital in Miami, where she was being treated for bronchitis. Hadid’s buildings have been commissioned around the world and she was the first woman to receive the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) gold medal. March 31;

The lunar eclipse of March 23 at  London, where the British designer lived and acquired here famewas is prominently placed on the meridian.  Notice that the eclipse forms a Grand Cross with the TNPs Kronos-Hades and Cupido and the asteroids Daedalus, Asclepius and Requiem. Among other things Cupido rules buildings, sense of décor and artistry. Kronos is about experts or famous people while Requiem is death and  Hades is decline so that together we can see that  here it refers to death following a decline or deterioration in health (Asclepius) of a famous architect (Daedalus).  Daedalus is the mythological Greek architect first mentioned by Homer as the creator of a wide dancing-ground for Ariadne. He also created the Labyrinth on Crete, in which the Minotaur (part man, part bull) was kept.
