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Saudi Arabia threatens to sell off US assets

Officials in Saudi Arabia have reportedly told the Obama administration they will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars of American assets if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible for any role in the September 11 attacks. On the eve of President Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia, the New York Times said the White House had been lobbying Congress to block the bill’s passage and that the threat from Saudi Arabia had been the subject of intense talks.

This April 7, 2016 New Moon conjoins Uranus and squares Pluto with form a T-square with Xeus..  At Washington, DC the T-square straddles the meridian and is therefore significant for the place. Keyphrases for the elements from Martha Wescott [1] are as below:

Uranus-Pluto:Power struggles with friends or within groups; to recognize complex motives in covert dependency on friends; to be aware of disruption or events within friendship in connection with debt or shared resources, preying forms of exchange, power structures or large business or government interests.

Pluto-Zeus: the use of weaponry (even of the emotional or psychological variety) to dominate, threaten or confront others; to walk the fine line between restraint and excessive control (is this “restraint” or is one afraid of being out of control?) The outbursts of Zeus lead to ultimatums, radical changes, damaging situations and sense of finality.

Stars conjoining the New Moon and Uranus include Revati of Pisces. Revati, Zeta Pisces, meaning riches, is of money, wealth, and financial resources. It brings attention to our personal resources, whatever they may be, their value, and how we are using them. The less enlightened may apply them to control (Pluto) their friends (Uranus) as the Saudis are threatening to do.

So why has this issue suddenly come up now? Well Pluto on the MC in the New Moon chart has just stationed retrograde on April 17 stirring the configuration.

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha Wescott Lang 
