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The US government's war - against its own veterans

A Veterans Affairs hospital in San Diego, California, is under fire for driving a veteran to try and take his own life by repeatedly canceling his mental health appointments, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. The veteran had three or four appointments cancelled on him in a row before he attempted suicide at a VA clinic, the Union-Tribune further reports. These instances were only the most recent leading up to his crisis — the VA cancelled appointments on him with only a day’s notice, with increasing frequency, between 2013 and 2014.  April 1

In this news we will see how  the September 12, 2015 solar eclipse is still active. A chart for the eclipse at San Diego is shown here. Notice that the eclipse is placed significantly square the horizon axis. It is conjunct the star Denebola.

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion, with Denbola marking the tail. They can manifest as emotional distress and agitation, often due to physical toxic congestion, which can also result in a depressed state of mind or view upon life, as well chronic health conditions [1].

Also influencing this area are the stars Zavijava and Benatnasch .

 Zavijava is of a passive and submissive character, articulating the blind and naïve followers of the Benatnasch directive--those who are swayed by the diversionary dramatics of their manipulative leaders and believe in the miss-information they are being  fed[2].

On the Ascendant [21ge] is the star Bellatrix of Orion. Orion is depicted as a warrior or a soldier. When we combine the elements we can see that the eclipse is referring to a soldier suffering from mental health issues because he was naïve enough to follow his manipulative leaders!

If we now progress the eclipse chart to April 1, the date of the news, the progressed MC reaches a conjunction to the eclipse triggering the event in the news.
