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'Destroyed evidence' undermines 9/11 case

An explosive allegation about destroyed evidence threatens to unravel the already shaky military tribunal for the alleged architect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Attorneys for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed are calling on the judge and the entire prosecution team in Mohammed’s military commission at Guantánamo Bay to step down from the long-running case over what a member of the defense team called “at least the appearance of collusion” that led to the government apparently secretly destroying information relevant to the premier post-9/11 tribunal. May 11

The horoscope of the 9/11 attack is widely taken as the chart for the time when the first plane hit the WTC ( 11 Sept 2001; 8:46 am EDT, Manhattan, NY). The Ascendant [14li21] of this chart was conjunct  stars of  Corvus, the “lying” Raven and the “truth seeking Virgin”. Readers may wish to go back to a more comprehensive analysis of this chart in a previous post [1]. For our purposes here it  is sufficient to note  that (a)  the current progressed solar arc Ascendant [28li] makes hard aspects to the Saturn[14ge] and Pluto [13sa] opposition (b) the March 9 solar eclipse fell exactly opposite the radix Sun [18vi] – the apex of the T-square with Saturn-Pluto. Both (a) and (b) have obviously stirred the 9/11 pot so to speak!
About 15 years have passed since the 9/11 incident,  so that transit Saturn [14sa] is now conjunct radix Pluto [13sa] and opposite its own place [14ge]. Saturn is “the cosmic paycheck” so that when it links to Pluto in Sagittarius – truth must be revealed.

In his essay Saturn in Sagittarius: Finding Our Authenticity and the Transparency of the Soul, Gahl Sasson writes:

Saturn will demand the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Truth. Saturn in Sagittarius is a polygraph, a cosmic lie detector. When we are not authentic, it will start beeping and when Saturn beeps, it sounds more like a deafening siren.

The incident mentioned in the news took place on May 10 on the very day Jupiter turned direct and just a day after the Crescent Moon. A chart for the Moon phase at Washington, DC has  Saturn, along with Mars, on the Ascendant forming a T-square with Jupiter-Neptune. We have seen earlier that this T-square is about Saturn uncovering Neptunian deceit and lies. The following extract from a recent post on the Chilcot enquiry is relevant here:

Jupiter [13vi] is conjunct the star Chort, theta Leonis [13vi]. That this constellation is linked to war was well understood by ancient astrologers.

 "Who can doubt the nature of the monstrous Lion, and the pursuits he prescribes for those born beneath his sign? The lion ever devises fresh fights and fresh warfare on animals, and lives on spoil and pillaging of flocks. The sons of the Lion are filled with the urge to adorn their proud portals with pelts and to hang up on their walls the captured prey, to bring the peace of terror to the woods, and to live upon plunder. " [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, p.237.]

More specifically, a retrograde Jupiter is referring to a war fought in the past.  And with the Neptune opposition, we can see that this was a war based on lies and deceit.  Explaining the potential of the stars conjunct Jupiter, Nick Fiorenza  writes that it can “lead to inward expansion of conscious awareness to discern the truth and what is of true value hidden behind the dramatic and deceptive antics occurring in the world”. He also adds that the truth “will externalize when Jupiter completes its retrograde on May 9”.

Finally we note that the Crescent Moon of May 9 is conjunct the TNPs Hades and Kronos which refer to the secret and criminal activities of the leadership. The Moon aligns with the star Tejat, mu Gemini. According to  Nick Fiorenza “Tejat brings to the surface that which has been suppressed”.
