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Dung Beetles Use Milky Way As Compass

Scarabaeus – the Dung Beetle

Researchers have known for a few years now that the dung beetle uses the Milky Way galaxy as a map to get itself across the landscape, as it pushes a precious ball of dinner poo toward a safe place to eat. Now, scientists from Sweden’s Lund University have established that all the beetle needs is one good snapshot taken of the heavens in order to find its way. It doesn’t “rely on an innate prediction of the natural geographical relationship between celestial cues,” as the researchers wrote. And the kicker? The beetles take this single heavenly picture while simultaneously dancing atop their poo ball. May 13

A seemingly insignificant discovery like this one can reveal hidden resonances which are normally overlooked in our preoccupation with literal meanings and surface interpretations. The news reported above comes just a few days after Jupiter turned direct on May 9. A chart for Jupiter’s direct station drawn for Lund, Sweden has the Jupiter-Neptune-Saturn T-square placed sharply on the horizon axis.


Here Jupiter is conjunct not only stars in the foul gases emanating from the hind of the Lion but also to stars in the sail of the Celestial Ship Argo as well as its Sextant [1] . So essentially, this is an area where there is danger of susceptibility to manipulation by our leaders (“foul gases” of the Lion) but also the possibility of using our capacity to discriminate what is true from what is false and then charting a course (“sextant’) for our spiritual journey (celestial ship Argo).

By association the stars in the hind of the Lion also refer to his poo so how inspiring or even humbling that a dung beetle that lives in animal dung has developed its capacity to use the Milky Way, (in much the same way as a sailor should use the sextant or compass), to chart its own course!

Nick Fiorenza summarizes Jupiter’s direct station in the following words:

Jupiter's direct station impels us to discern for ourselves and to mobilize our own creative potential based from our own wisdom rather than reacting to and continuing to blindly follow the antic propaganda of antiquated sociopolitical structures.

What follows next will seem impossible to believe. What is not so obvious in the chart above is the fact that Saturn is in a sharp paran aspect to Praesepe, M44 Cancri. About Praesepe, Nick Fiorenza writes:

Praesepe, M44, the beehive star cluster, crib or manger, in the Egyptian Scarabaeus (sidereal Cancer) [2]; and the stars that make the ass of the crab (dung of the beetle). Praesepe embodies the essence of the Scarabaeus (the dung beetle)--the emergence of soul awareness from the darkness of human consciousness--the spiritual awakening of the human species--much like the beetle emerges from the hive made of its own dung.

Praesepe is of emergence, migration, new beginnings, shedding old skins, skeletons, and cocoons. It is of emerging out of the collective frenetic confusion of mass consciousness; finding our new path and direction; leaving behind old dwellings and the structures of consciousness they represent; and getting out of our personal or collective dogma and the darkness it creates. The image of Praesepe as the crib or manger articulates the protective and nurturing environment supporting the birth / awakening / transmutation from darkness into light.

Alignments with Praesepe may indicate a new dwelling place is at hand or that one is in order to find. As with the migration of bees from an old hive, before identifying their new direction, there can be frenetic confusion at first, a scattered sense and lack of direction before honing in on the guiding magnetic currents that guide them toward their new home. This confusion is temporary and is part of intuiting the feeling for the right direction, much like turning in a complete circle to identify the way that feels right. Praesepe asks us to trust in our magnetic sense, our inner compass--and to hone in on our new direction while honoring the inherent scatteredness of the emergence process.
