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178,000 years of Chinese history?

After removing several metres of sediment from an ancient, underground river bed deep inside a limestone cave in Bijie, Guizhou, a team of researchers led by Professor Zhao Lingxia discovered three human teeth. Anatomically, they resembled those of modern humans, but dating of the sediment showed they were buried 112,000 to 178,000 years ago, before the first modern humans walked out of Africa, around 75,000 years ago.  July 11

A chart for the current New Moon drawn for Bijie, Guizhou is shown here. Notice that it makes a slightly skewed Grand Cross with the meridian axis. A Uranus-Pluto square is linked to scientific discoveries since it brings to light (Uranus) that which is hidden (Pluto). Strangely, a volcanic eruption which brings to surface lava from deep inside the earth is also a Uranus-Pluto phenomenon. Therefore, the discovery of  ancient human teeth buried below several metres of sediment is very appropriately under the same combination.

Now here is the surprising part. The New Moon is conjunct the star Sirius, alpha Canis Major, in the jaw (teeth?) of the Greater Dog. On the MC are the stars Alchiba, alpha Corvi, in the Crow’s beak and Adhib, theta Draconis under the Dragon’s tongue.

It may be mentioned in passing that such surprising details in star maps as shown in this and many other examples come to us from  the second century BCE astronomer/astrologer Hipparachus, considered the greatest ancient authority on constellation figures so that Roman astrologer Manilius writing two centuries later carried forward this idea:

“You must not divert your attention from the smallest detail;

nothing exists without reason or has been uselessly created.”
