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Drug to cure baldness discovered

Coma Berenices

Berenice's Hair

As part of a study conducted at Stanford and Yale, Thomas and 65 other alopecia areata patients took the pill, called Xeljanz, which is prescribed for people with rheumatoid arthritis, another autoimmune disease. More than half of the study subjects saw hair regrowth. A third recovered more than 50% of their lost hair. In a separate study, nine of 12 patients with alopecia areata recovered more than 50% of hair regrowth using a similar drug, Jakafi, which is approved for cancer treatment. Oct.19

A chart drawn for the current New Moon at Stanford is shown here.  The New Moon [8li] sextile  Saturn [11sa] on the MC.  And additionally  the New Moon is conjunct the star [9li] alpha (α) Coma Berenices [1], Diadem, in Berenice's hair while Saturn is conjunct  stars of Ophiuchus, the Medicine man or the Healer!
