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Astrology of the first BRICS summit

BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as "BRIC" (or "the BRICs"), before the induction of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized countries, but they are distinguished by their large, sometimes fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional affairs; all five are G-20 members. The inaugural BRIC summit took place in Yekaterinburg, Russia on June 16, 2009.

In this post we look at the chart for the first solar eclipse of 2009 that fell on Jan 16, 2009 and its role in the inaugural BRIC summit. The following extract from Nick Fiorenza’s monthly lunar planner for Jan. 26 entitled  To Cross a Threshold, explains the essence of this eclipse:

Eclipses, generally about six months apart, can be thought of as times that allow us a fresh start in the continuing series of spiraling lunar cycles--a transition time of disengaging or letting go and re-engaging and starting in a new octave of participation. The theme of a solar eclipse lunar cycle creates an underlying current that extends throughout the 6-month eclipse period.

The New Moon eclipse occurs in the midst of a stellium (grouping) of planets in sidereal Capricorn, including retrograde Mercury, Mars, Juno, the Centuars Nessus and Chiron, and Neptune--all centering on the Lunar North Node. These planets synthesize their forces as if they were one massive planet--and in this case, creating a powerful force or wave that will sweep through our lives and carry us forward into a dynamic year of accelerated change and new realms of experience. This stellium's placement on the North Lunar Node creates a magnetic force that pulls us into the future.
The Earth-Sun-Moon alignment occurring very near a Lunar Node is what creates an eclipse. Thus, the North Node's position is an important significator as to what is required in this Lunar Cycle as well as through the following six-months. The Lunar Node axis is also a magnetic pointer, a direction to move. The North Lunar Node (on the precessional hyperborean cusp) also conjoins Epsilon Indus (associated with the seven-pointed Star Trek emblem--to go where we have not gone before); along with the northern Dumbbell Nebula M27 and the Pulsar JP 1953, both in Vulpecula, the sleek and sexy, but sly and cunning fox. Pulsars are ever beating beacons for the soul. This Vulpecula pulsar's message is to let go and to move on--from an old covert and manipulative fear-based exclusive way of participating, to a more open, wholesome and inclusive way of participating. The need here is to realize it is time to mobilize upon more expansive direction.

In order to understand how Fiorenza’s extract applies more specifically  to the BRIC summit,  we now look at the chart for the eclipse drawn for Yekaterinburg, Russia. Notice the Venus-Uranus-Saturn-TNP Cupido T-square straddling the horizon axis. Among other things, Venus rules finance while a simple interpretation for Uranus-Saturn-Cupido is:

The urge for freedom (Uranus) from restrictive conditions (Saturn) leads to the formation of a group (Cupido).

On the descendant with Cupido is the star Sabik. Eta (η) Ophiuchus, Sabik, is a star on the right leg of the Serpent Bearer. The constellation Ophiuchus is linked to healing, repairing or fixing things that have broken down. And Diana Rosenberg notes that Sabik was part of China’s Great Market and was linked to financial concerns.

If we now progress the eclipse chart to June 16, 2009, the date of the summit we find that the progressed MC  triggers the eclipse configuration implying that foregoing issues are brought out in an event that occurs on that date.
