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Blowback from staffer scandal burns Wasserman Schultz

The mysterious case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's now indicted former IT staffer, continues to grow more interesting by the day.  As we've noted before, Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, have so far only been charged with bank fraud and conspiracy though new allegations of wrongdoing seemingly surface on a daily basis. Meanwhile, these latest allegations come after Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) appeared on Fox News yesterday to share his prediction that the Awans could be working on a broader immunity deal with prosecutors in return for a "significant" and "pretty disturbing" story about Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Sept. 13

Deborah Wasserman Schultz  (born September 27, 1966), the former chairperson for the Democratic National Committee, is at center of the controversy reported in the news. A noon chart for Schultz is shown here. She has a Uranus-Pluto (in Virgo) conjunction opposite Saturn (in Pisces). Lately transit Saturn has been squaring this combination.

Like the Titan Prometheus who stole fire from the Gods to help mankind, Uranus is correlated with anything that improves the initial conditions of the human predicament. Since Uranus was found at the apex of the Age of Enlightenment, astrologers have surmised that Uranus is correlated with energy that advances the human condition in some way. From this larger perspective, we can see that Uranus is affiliated with computers because the computer and the Age of Information is the current cutting edge of evolution.

The sign Virgo is, among other things, associated with service and by extension service personnel, assistants and helpers. So the placement of Uranus in Virgo is in this case easily  linked to Imran Awan, Schultz’s IT staffer.  As a combination Uranus-Pluto can bring about a sudden revelation of things that have been hidden. Also blackmail (Pluto) by an IT staffer (Uranus in Virgo)  can be seen to come under this conjunction.

As mentioned before  transit Saturn has been squaring the natal  Uranus-Virgo conjunction opposite Saturn in Schultz’s chart . In addition the Last Quarter Moon [20ge]; Sun [20vi]; Saturn [21sa] of September 13 activates Schultz’s radix Uranus-Pluto-Saturn.

About Saturn-Pluto Steven Forrest writes:

Astrologer Grant Lewi, decades ago began to speak of Saturn as “the cosmic paycheck”. His implication was that under passing Saturn symbolism, we would all "get what we deserve". That phrase – “get what we deserve” is something of an inkblot test. Some of us may hear it ominously, others encouragingly. And both possibilities are on the radar screen when Pluto links to Saturn.…what if we have been overindulging in denial, projection and laziness? What kind of paycheck  can we expect then? Here we see the dark side of Pluto-Saturn possibilities. Our worst fears come true. The one thing we couldn’t handle looms in our face.
