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Netanyahu corruption case

Virgin goddess Astraea with scales of Justice

An ongoing Israeli law enforcement investigation now has enough evidence to bring formal charges of bribery against the country's prime minister, according to reports.  Prosecutors involved with the bribery and money laundering case are currently working out the details to an indictment for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a wealthy businessman whose collaborators have been tied to the notorious Panama Papers that reveal how the rich hide assets from tax collectors, cited by Haaretz.  Nov.12

Benjamin Netanyahu’s birth chart as provided by Astro-Databank is reproduced here. Since the birth time is not reliable we will focus here only on planetary directions and exclude progressions of the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven.  The table below gives the solar arc progressions for the current period.

Netanyahu - Natal Chart
 21 Oct 1949, 10:30 am, EEDT -3:00
 Tel Aviv Israel, 32°N04', 034°E46'

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns planets

P1 (H)          Asp                P2 (H)          Type             Date                        Pos1                  Pos2     

Sun (1)        Opp               Ura (7)        Sa-Na            21 Jul 2016          04°Cp58' D    04°Cn58' R
Plu (11)      Cnj                 Sun (11)     Sa-Na              7 Sep 2018           27°Li34' D     27°Li34' D
Plu (11)      Opp               Had (5)        Sa-Na            16 Dec 2018          27°Li50' D     27°Ar50' R

*** END REPORT ***

Aspects to and from the Sun are active for (+/-) 2 – 2 ½  years from date of exactness. So we can see that the Sun opp. Uranus is still active.  A Sun-Uranus opposition often creates unexpected events that may include trouble with the law. Uranus [4cn58] is amid stars of the Chinese asterism Ting – The Well. To the Chinese this asterism meant that the Wells must be cleaned and reinforced to ensure clear water. By extension this also referred to the cleansing of crime, moral uprightness, law and order.

The second and upcoming direction is Pluto conjunct Sun [27li]. Here the Sun is amid stars of Virgo. which  was sometimes identified with  the virgin goddess Iustitia or Astraea, holding the scales of justice in her hand as the constellation Libra.

Finally, the third direction, Pluto opposite TNP Hades is delineated by Martha Wescott as under:

Pluto-Hades: to see changes that bring about a decline; to hear of criminal activities in the world of finance and big business; to hear of bribes and coercions to do mean things.

If solar directions are treated as the slow moving “hour hand” of the cosmic clock, planetary transits can be looked upon as the “minute hand”. Currently,  Uranus is transiting opposite Netanyahu’s radix Sun triggering the three directions in the table above.

Putting the pieces together, corruption cases against Netanyahu do not come as a surprise.

