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On why US has acquired a reputation for duplicity

For any country, the foundation of successful diplomacy is a reputation for credibility and reliability. Governments are wary of concluding agreements with a negotiating partner that violates existing commitments and has a record of duplicity. Recent U.S. administrations have ignored that principle, and their actions have backfired majorly, damaging American foreign policy in the process. Dec. 3

In mundane astrology, the First House refers to  “the country and its inhabitants as a whole” [1] while the Seventh House shows how that nation deals with other nations especially, those it considers its enemies. It is because of this that “treaties and agreements with other nations” comes under the 7th [2].

The article above was published on December 3, when a Full Moon aligns with the  Sibly horizon axis highlighting the 1 -7 houses. Neptune, the planet associated with duplicity and deception, is square the Full Moon and the Sibly horizon so that it is no wonder that the news article discusses the disastrous effect of a long term policy of deception pursued by the US.

Moreover, the Full Moon [12ge] illuminates radix Sibly Uranus [9ge] in the 7th. Uranus, in its negative manifestation, is a planet we associate with an inability to be consistent or reliable – in other words a lack of commitment. Uranus is also exactly parallel in declination to the star Zosma, delta Leo.

About Leo, the ancient Roman astrologer Manilus wrote:

"Who can doubt the nature of the monstrous Lion, and the pursuits he prescribes for those born beneath his sign? The lion ever devises fresh fights and fresh warfare on animals, and lives on spoil and pillaging of flocks. The sons of the Lion are filled with the urge to adorn their proud portals with pelts and to hang up on their walls the captured prey, to bring the peace of terror to the woods, and to live upon plunder." [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, p.237.]

More specifically about Zosma in the constellation Leo, Nick Fiorenza writes:

Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denbola is the tail. Zosma and Chort can indicate being diverted due to toxic congestion. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political-religious figureheads manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive while offering salvation from the human struggle.

In other words, treaties are simply smoke screens behind which the US manipulates other nations. Nothing could be clearer. Charts contain detail that can stun!
